Surplus for Sale
Surplus for Sale
- REFERENCE ONLY: Animals listed have been sold or removed.
- Name: Vicki Lantz
- Posted: 02/10/2016
- Location: Missouri
- ID #24769
Baby African Crested Porcupine - male - DOB 2-4-16 - on the bottle.
Zebra - male - DOB 6-30-15 - mother raised - in walk thru zoo last season.
Ringtailed Lemur - male - DOB 8-30-15 - mother raised - in walk thru zoo last season - being handled some now.
Email, text or call for prices and more information. Lemur is available to Missouri residents only. Serious inquiries only.
Zebra - male - DOB 6-30-15 - mother raised - in walk thru zoo last season.
Ringtailed Lemur - male - DOB 8-30-15 - mother raised - in walk thru zoo last season - being handled some now.
Email, text or call for prices and more information. Lemur is available to Missouri residents only. Serious inquiries only.