6 WEEK OLD Chincillas for Sale
6 WEEK OLD Chincillas for Sale
- REFERENCE ONLY: Animals listed have been sold or removed.
- Name: Jennifer Cossette
- Posted: 09/08/2016
- Location: Virginia
- ID #29133
Babies Born 8/24/16
2 litters born this month Standard Grey's $125.00 Grey Violet $175.00 taking deposits now! email me ponytogo6@yahoo.com
4 Now 4Sale. Deposit to hold.
The baby Chins born here are socialized and handled daily. They all are very friendly and are waiting to meet you!
Most sell for $125 to $300. We also have cages and supplies for 1/2 the cost of purchasing at Pet Stores!
Ask for Michelle
2 litters born this month Standard Grey's $125.00 Grey Violet $175.00 taking deposits now! email me ponytogo6@yahoo.com
4 Now 4Sale. Deposit to hold.
The baby Chins born here are socialized and handled daily. They all are very friendly and are waiting to meet you!
Most sell for $125 to $300. We also have cages and supplies for 1/2 the cost of purchasing at Pet Stores!
Ask for Michelle