3 hedgehogs for sale!
3 hedgehogs for sale!
- REFERENCE ONLY: Animals listed have been sold or removed.
- Name: Sophia Merolillo
- Posted: 09/19/2016
- Location: Florida
- ID #29404
2 male and female adults that are about 2 years old, and one baby that's about 2 1/2 months old. Adults would make good breeding pair. They only have been bred once and and 3 healthy hoglets. We recently moved to Newberry florida, and just don't have time for all 3 to get the attention they deserve. All are friendly, expecially the the baby. We used to dress the female up in little dresses and she didn't mind at all. All very healthy with no genetic problems at all. We are looking for a loving family that will give them all the love and attention they deserve. Please text or email for more information and pictures at (814) 853-0025 or SophiaGrace328@gmail.com Thanks!