Surplus for Sale
Surplus for Sale
- REFERENCE ONLY: Animals listed have been sold or removed.
- Name: Vicki Lantz
- Posted: 10/10/2016
- Location: Missouri
- ID #29770
2.0 Ringtailed Lemurs - mother raised - weaned and tame (on leash) - wearing diapers - DOB 5-15-16 - Asking $1400 each OBO (Missouri residents only on lemurs)
0.2 Patagonian Cavies - on the bottle - DOB 10-3-16 - Asking $300 each or $500 for both
0.1 African Crested Porcupine - on the bottle - DOB 9-22-16 - Asking $600 OBO
Please call, text, or email for more information.
0.2 Patagonian Cavies - on the bottle - DOB 10-3-16 - Asking $300 each or $500 for both
0.1 African Crested Porcupine - on the bottle - DOB 9-22-16 - Asking $600 OBO
Please call, text, or email for more information.