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  • Posted On: 08/27/2011
  • Title: Two serval kittens born 824
  • Name: Krebs
  • Location: Tennessee
  • I have two beautiful, healthy baby serval kittens available to a great home. The mother has an awesomely sweet disposition. She even lets me handle her kittens while she grooms and cares for them. I don’t know many exotics that are that trusting of their human companions. These two will grow to have her fantastic genetics and disposition. These kittens will not be ready for a great home for another three weeks just to make sure that they are 100% when they come to you. I am asking $4,300 for the female and $4,100 for the male OBO. You can reach me at or at 865-235-2098. Why pay more for a savannah cat when you can have the real deal (a serval) for less? Please do your research before calling on your state laws etc. I look forward to hearing from you.
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