Contact Seller
- Posted On: 11/22/2011
- Title: Eland Bull
- Name: Randy
- Location: South Dakota
- Eland Bull: He is just 3 years old, Proven producer. He was NOT bottle raised BUT is quite tame and friendly. He will eat out of a bucket while you hold it.
He is trained to come otni a stall each night in the barn when called. He has been easy to load, he was at the zoo all summer and this fall we just pulled the trailer otni the pasture and he lead the herd otni the trailer following a bucket of grain.
We have not had any problems keeping him with other livestock. Currently in with camels, ostrich, addax, scimitar, and a mini horse.
Have more photos I can email if your interested.
Will be headed to Lolli Brothers sale in Dec and could meet there.
We lost our adult cow so have decided to offer him for sale as we have a son we are keeping.
Asking $3000