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- Posted On: 03/29/2010
- Title:
- Name: Linda Loethen
- Location: Florida
- Hand raised Cotton Top Tamarin and Pencillata Marmoset babies available now.
Cotton Top Tamarins: 2 week old boy and girl - $3,400 each;
Pencillata Marmosets: 2 females (3 weeks old) and one female (1week old) - $1,800 each;
4 year old Brown Lemur - $1,200;
2 week old Ringtailed Lemur - $1,800;
Kinkajous: male and female sold together - $2,000 and 6 month old boy - $1,000.
Tamarin and Marmoset babies are hand raised and come with information on feeding, enrichment, diapering, leash training and general care.