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- Posted On: 09/05/2012
- Title: Proven hedgehog breeding trio cage unit
- Name: Skylar Mathis
- Location: Tennessee
- I am selling my hedgehog breeding trio because I am going to start breeding larger exotics. I am asking $2000 for 1 salt and pepper female breeder she usually has 5 babies at a time and is verry sweet, 1 apricot breeding female that has up to 10 babies at a time she is the sweetest hedgehog you will ever meet, and 1 male albino breeder he is more a breeder than pet but non of them bite. It also comes with a heated breeding cage unit that can hold up to 10 breeders the unit itself is worth $2500 and is controlled by a computer box that is also included that is worth $500. non of the hedgie breeders are over 1 year old. The total value of this deal $3600 but I will sell for $2000