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- Posted On: 11/06/2023
- Title: Patagonian Cavy
- Name: Glen
- Location: North Augusta, South Carolina
- I have two female sister Patagonian Cavies fir sale. Bottle fed from day one and i bottled them until 11 weeks, much longer than necessary. They are very tame. I was going to use them in my educational programs, but the different venues that i travel to gets them too nervous. At home they are extremely friendly and they are totally used to travel in a crate, but once out in a different location with bunches of people, strange loud noises they just get to nervous and jumpy. $400 for both of them they must go together. They been off the bottle now a few weeks and totally weaned. You can arrange ground shipping. I might be able to save you a couple hours drive time if we meet. Serious enquiries only and no scammers. I will post pictures later. Thanks. Text 803-221-6252.