Contact Seller
- Posted On: 01/20/2013
- Title: Sugar Gldier Joeys
- Name: Sara
- Location: Tennessee
- As of 1/20/12 Below are our available sugar gliders:
*Aiden: White face male joey 100% het for Cremeino and 66% het for leu (possible Ruby Leu het) - oop 1/1/13 Ready 2/26/12 $550 Full Lineage COI of 1.3305
*Aslan: Aslan is Aiden's twin brother. He is a standard coloring joey 100% het for Cremeino and 66% het for leu (possible Ruby Leu het) oop 1/1/13 ready 2/26/12 $500 Full Lineage. COI of 1.3305
*Monticor:Monticor is a mosaic male oop 1/1/13 Ready Feb 26th. Full Lineage. COI of 1.0437, 12.5% het for Leu, 6% het for platinum, 25% pure silverbelle plat, and 8% albino het $750
*Monticors twin brother Minotaur is Pending:) Minotaur is a white face male oop 1/1/13 Ready Feb 26th. Full Lineage. COI of 1.0437, 12.5% het for Leu, 6% het for platinum, 25% pure silverbelle plat, and 8% albino het
*Arianna - Is a white face female. 25% leu het and possible WT het (her parents had a white tip baby:) She was oop 1/5/13
She will be ready March 2nd 2013. $250
*Arabella: Is a beautiful female mosaic from black beauty mother. She was oop 1/9/13 and will be ready 3/6/13 COI is 0.1037% She is $750
*Bosley and Brook - Twin males just oop, 1/20/13. They are 100% leu het and 100% cremeino het (they are ruby leu hets.) they will be ready March 20, 13. Their COI is 0%. They are $750 each.
*Bailey is a Female Leucistic OOP 1/6/13 She will be ready March 10th. She is $750
*Briley is baileys twin sister. She is a female 100% Leucistic het.
OOP 1/6/13 She will be ready March 10th. She is $300
*Bruce is a male leucistic. He was oop 1/12/13 and will be ready March 16th. he is $750
All of our sugar gliders joeys photos are on facebook in the photo section
• All Joeys have lineage.
• Shipping available through delta for $275, We also travel extensively so we would be glad to deliver your baby if we are traveling close to you.
• A great home is number one priority!! Please do not hesitate to make us a reasonable offer!!!!
All Photos will be on Marsupial Madness Facebook!
in the photo section.