Hyrax For Sale
Hyrax, also known as Dassie, are small, hoofed animals that reside in Africa and Southwestern Asia. They comprise 6 species of their kind. They look a lot like rodents with their plump bodies and necks, short legs and tail. Adult Hyraxes are 12-20 inches in length and about 10 pounds. They are extremely athletic and climb well, using the special padding of their feet. Hyraxes and Pikas are sometimes called Rock Rabbits, although Hyrax don't exclusively live among rocks. There are Hyrax species that are named for their habitat preferences, such as the Bush Hyrax and the Tree Hyrax. Most Hyraxes are diurnal (active by day) except the nocturnal Tree Hyrax, and most Hyrax are primarily vegetarian.

Female Bottle Raised African Rock Hyrax. 3 Yrs old
- Price: $6,900.00
- Name: Mark Rosenthal
- Posted: 01/24/2025
- Phone: (313) 819-5719
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Michigan
- Website: www.iwantanimalmagic.com
This is Ellie, our 3-year-old bottle raised African rock hyrax. We named her Ellie because this is the nearest living relative to the African elephant! It's extremely rare to find a captive bred one...almost all of the ones in the United States are w...

Ellie, The captive bred female African Rock Hyrax
- Price: $7,500.00
- Name: Mark Rosenthal
- Posted: 01/14/2025
- Phone: (313) 819-5719
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Michigan
- Website: www.iwantanimalmagic.com
This is Ellie, our 3 year old bottle raised African rock hyrax. We named her Ellie because this is the nearest living relative to the African elephant! It's extremely rare to find a captive bred one...Almost all of the ones in the United States are...
Hyrax are characterized by their hooves that they have on their first and third appendages of the hind foot. Their middle digit has a claw instead. Their teeth have a curved pair like a beaver that continuously grow, sharp incisors, and molars much like a Rhinoceros'. These defense mechanisms are complimented by the scent gland they have on their backs. This is a gland that secretes a pheromone-like that of the common skunk. These defensive tools are helpful when they find themselves preyed upon by their most common threats, the Python, Eagle, and various Big Cats.
Hyrax Diet
Hyraxes, no matter the kind, typically feed on seeds and fruit, occasionally leaves. In some regions, they are considered agricultural pests for eating important crops. They don't require much water because they absorb their water intake from their food sources. Rock Hyrax habitats are easily identified by their white urine stained rocks. The Hyrax live in colonies of up to 50 members for safety. They eat and sleep together.
Breeding Hyrax
Once pregnant, the gestation period of the Hyrax is quite long, about seven or eight months. Most Hyraxes carry one to three baby Hyrax. Their maturity takes quite some time also, not fully matured until 16-18 months. Adult Hyraxes are inactive 95% of the time. Each day begins with sunbathing for several hours until the Hyrax is warm. Then they head out to find food sources. They don't venture out into weather they don't like.
Hyrax Facts
One of the most amazing and interesting things about the Hyrax is its shocking relation to elephants. Hyraxes, Elephants, and another mammal by the name of Dugongs are most closely related than any other animal is to another. As science reports, Hyraxes, Elephants, and Dugongs all evolved from a single common ancestor, and although they look nothing alike, have the most interesting commonalities. Hyrax fossils from 30 million years ago have shown us that the earliest Hyraxes were actually as large as a modern-day horse! Hyraxes were also mentioned in the Bible, but in the Bible, they are referred to as 'Conies'.
Rock Hyraxes are the most common Hyrax species in captivity. You can view them at several zoos and aquariums, such as The Smithsonian's National Zoo and The San Diego Zoo.