Muntjac Deer For Sale
Muntjac Deer
Muntjac Deer come from China and Southern Asia. Muntjac Deer are generally shy, and they tend to live in thick woods, they are used to a cold and cool climate.
The deer can jump up to 6 feet, therefore, it is advised to build at least a 6 foot high fence when constructing their enclosure.
They can respond to their names when called, which should be given at a younger age. They will constantly play with each other, or with humans. The deer have a high sense of smell, for that, they will track you around the house by following your smell. This means that you should try to maintain one perfume, if you are using any, for the sake of avoiding confusion to the deer. Also known as the barking deer.
Since they are drawn to love and affection, it would be good to carry them, kiss them, and generally give them your attention. This will help them to be active and they will get used to you more.
Bottle Baby Muntjac Deer
- Price: $2,000.00
- Name: Fare Game LLC
- Posted: 02/01/2025
- Phone: 4173424800
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Missouri
Young male Muntjac Deer on the bottle. Eating solids in addition to his bottle 4x a day. Very sweet and used in our petting zoo. 5 year CWD status. SW Missouri I am a USDA licensed breeder, a degree holding wildlife biologist, have been raising exot...
Bottle Baby Muntjac Deer
- Price: $2,000.00
- Name: Fare Game LLC
- Posted: 12/16/2024
- Phone: 417-342-4800
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Missouri
Young male Muntjac Deer on the bottle. 6weeks and eating solids in addition to his bottle 2x a day. Very sweet and used in our petting zoo. 5 year CWD status. SW Missouri I am a USDA licensed breeder, a degree holding wildlife biologist, have been r...

Muntjac Fawn
- Price: $1,500.00
- Name: Candice Miller
- Posted: 12/03/2024
- Phone: 845-518-1239
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
Muntjac Fawn Male Almost 2 weeks old On a bottle, outgoing, eating pellet, greens and hay. READY TO GO. FLORIDA RESIDENTS ONLY.

Unrelated pair of Muntjac deer on bottles
- Price: 4500 for pair will separate
- Name: Fuzzy friends
- Posted: 11/22/2024
- Phone: 7659852256
- Location: Indiana
Very tame, great display animal, check with your state to see if they are legal!

Male Muntjac buck
- Name: Fuzzy friends
- Posted: 10/04/2024
- Phone: 7659852256
- Location: Indiana
Male Muntjac fawn on Bottle, will make excellent pet, easily litter trained.

No name
- Price: $2,000.00
- Name: Brenda
- Posted: 09/05/2024
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Ohio
Muntjac fawn (buck) 4 days old. Started on bottle…doing great. Pet or breeder.
When the deer are young, like 2 weeks old, it is recommended to give them about 4 bottles of the formula solution. It is advised to maintain the formula that was used by the breeder, in order to avoid complications. For solid food, you might mix some rice with the feeding formula, then let the deer eat from a bowl.
Banana or apple would also be great as the deer grow. You could then introduce the deer to sweet potatoes or half-cooked vegetables. And above all, always ensure that you serve them with enough water. Other food that they love, and would help in their growth include bread, lettuce, carrots, corn or various fruits.
The Muntjac Deer will also mate mostly around the Spring, and this can take a maximum of 4 months. The deer will then have only one kid in a year. If you have a male deer, you might expect it to be aggressive and protective in his territory, especially where the kid and mother are.
The Muntjac Deer are naturally shy and tend to be cautious, if you are introducing them to anything new, they will acclimatize to it slowly. They will also relate to other pets easily, and they are friendly to humans as well. They will also join to play in whichever game that you are playing.
These deer will also bark if they sense any danger around, and since they will rarely bark, it will mean that they are really in danger. For a male deer, when his testosterone starts growing, the deer will begin having antlers, and they could get aggressive, which will happen when the deer is 2 or 3 years old.
All in all, the deer will only feel comfortable and secure when the condition is favorable enough. Ensure that the housing is kept clean enough, and that the food is enough, with sufficient water.
Many people find the Muntjac deer as excellent pets. These small creatures are known for their love of affection and also gives kisses. They are excellent playmates and like to play tag and race along with you. They have strong attachments with owners and like to follow you all about the house.
This species is naturally very clean and smell like a newborn human baby. They are litter trained by the end of the first day moreover there is no odor in their litter. They are extremely soft and quiet and have very little problems with shedding. There is no need to walk with them.
Legal Provisions in the US:
The Leaf Muntjac species and the Reeves Muntjac are presently being bred in the US. Most kinds of exotic pets are not legal in California, and also Hawaii which has very strict pet regulations due to the island ecosystems being prone to species which are invasive New York City has some absurd pet laws deterring enthusiasts for exotic pet. These are kept in an illegal manner by citizens. Getting an USDA license is safer. Nevada has very loose exotic pet laws, and the Muntjac species can be legally kept without any permit. Ohio will take steps to enact a ban on exotic pet from 2014. It is better to check if laws are there about keeping cervids’.
The different kinds of Muntjac sub-species have all come from South Asia or China. They have been found nearly fifteen to thirty five million years before as found from fossil remains.
Very little has been understood about Muntjacs which are shy and extremely cautious by nature and like living in areas which are heavily wooded. The Leaf Muntjac was discovered and is the smallest known deer species. In 1997, they were brought to the US.
Muntjacs vary in size from 10 up to 90 pounds. The colour is a light tan to a reddish and sometimes dark brown or black. The coat is very smooth and soft or sometimes coarse. Some prefer to remain solitary and others like to remain in small herds. The life span for males is around 16 years and females live up to 19 years.
The Leaf Muntjac10 to 20 pounds in weight and rarely has antlers. They are able to see in dark with their huge eyes. There have scent glands placed on each side of their nose, which cannot be detected easily. They have pencil thin legs and their tail is normally up. Babies, have white spots in the fur.
Housing a Muntjac Deer
The can be kept indoors and need enclosures of a height of five feet made of wood. Indoors they need to have a soft bed and a litter with dirt or some sand. They need water and food bowls and also a salt lick from time to time. If they are going to be indoors then you need to provide a soft bed and litter. Use dirt or sand for the litter. You would have to empty the litter every 3 to 4 days. You need bowls for water and food and a salt lick. They are clean by nature.
They do not chew furniture and shoes but like leftover vegetables. They like to jump and the tiny Muntjac can jump up to heights of five to six feet. They do not jump a five-foot fence as they like to be inside their territory. If a pet, the house becomes their territory. It is necessary to deer-proof the house.
It is recommended to purchase a deer which is a minimum of 5 to10 days old. They have to be bottle fed at least for 2 to 3 days before they are used to it and only then can be taken home. It is very difficult to take care of a baby in the first couple of days as they need a lot of attention. The baby deer is kept hidden by its mother and likes to stay where ever she keeps them. This is also true when it brought in the house. It needs in a soft bed and the area must feel safe and minimum disturbance and light. The baby deer will not like to go out for at least a week
A two week baby deer must be given from three to four feeds in a day. It can be rice cereal with baby food put in a bowl. Sometimes it is necessary to feed them with a finger the first few times. After this period they can move onto a banana or an apple, then switch to sweet potatoes or lightly cooked vegetables. They also like to eat lettuce and bread; after a few weeks they like to eat grass or vegetables. They need to drink a lot of water. A baby deer must eat some small amount of sand and to make the stool firm.
Social Behaviours
Muntjacs approach anything which is unfamiliar very slowly. As they place one foot in front of another it looks as if they are still. Once they become used to the house they are relaxed and happy and like to play with the family members and even most pets. They come when called by their name.
Handling and Training
The Leaf Muntjac understands love and affection but you need to move very slowly in the beginning till such time they become used to you. They like to stay very close and rub against you. They like to stretch up to kiss and rub their face. They love to play forever. They are naturally litter trained and need very little training.
Breeding and Reproduction
The Leaf Muntjac mates all around the year and has one baby in a year.
These are very resilient and have developed a normal susceptibility towards internal parasites. There are no diseases or even ailments which are unique for the Muntjac Deer and there are no medical requirements as they are quite hardy.