Animals For Sale in the Pacific NorthWest
Idaho, Oregon & Washington
Muntjac Deer
- Name: Ed Benhardt
- Posted: 08/23/2010
- Phone: 509-990-1286
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Washington
We have a breeder trio of adult Muntjac deer;1 buck and 2 does priced @ $1,500 for the trio. These does are most likely bred back.We also have 2 yearling females @ $400 each and a 6 month old male for $250. All are mother raised.Farm pick up is pre...
7yr old intact Siberian Lynx pair $1200
- Name: Kelliee
- Posted: 08/16/2010
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Oregon
7 year old intact Siberian / Eurasian Lynx.Female is a fur pillow, headbutts, mews, and purrs. Male follows you around like a dog and will jump for kites. These animals are human imprinted and tame but are not "pets." They have been housed together...
Proven Linnaeus Sloth
- Name: Kelliee
- Posted: 07/27/2010
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Oregon
Last week I pulled the healthy baby girl she produced this year. She is a young adult and excellent mother. Gorgeous, healthy and will eat from your hand. Only the mother is for sale. (The infant is not for sale)$2500 firm. Transportation costs at...
Pure SubSpecies Kinkajou Breeders
- Name: Kelliee
- Posted: 07/12/2010
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Oregon
I have a proven young male wild-caught and a coming of age female wild-caught pair of Kinkajou for sale.These two have been in the same enclosure for 3 months and get along together perfectly.The male will eat from your hand, put his front paws on yo...
- Name: PHAM
- Posted: 06/29/2010
- Phone: 503-810-7809
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Oregon
1000 ASIAN WATER BUFFALO FOR SALE!!! Great investment. buy a few to get started, or as many as you want...
Bottle baby yaks
- Name: Jennifer Gregston
- Posted: 06/01/2010
- Phone: 9092088457
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Idaho
Several bottle baby yak calves for sale. Steered, can be dehorned. They make excellant pets, pack animals, livestock guardians and they can be taught to pull a cart. No heifers yet. $750 each, can ship. Deposits required to put calves on bottles. 2...
- Name: Ms Navarro
- Posted: 05/20/2010
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Oregon
Siberian / Eurasian Lynx:I have 3 females ages 7, 9, and 10 years approx.I have 2 males age 7 and 12 approx.Take one, take a pair, or take them all.These animals are also listed in the next issue of Animals Finders GuideMake me a cash offer.Purchaser...
- Name: Jennifer
- Posted: 04/06/2010
- Phone: 509-869-0038
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Washington
Bactrian Camel Bull - intact, 8yrs old, easy to handle, trained semen collection.
- Name: Ms. Navarro
- Posted: 02/07/2010
- Phone: 5035561234
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Oregon
FOR SALE: Two Established Breeding Groups of Eurasian Lynx. Each group consists of one male and two females. $4,500 per group, $8,000 for both.1 female is declawed; 2 females and 1 male were former house-cats. Although I can "pet" 1 female and "tou...
Large male bennettes wallaby for sale or trade
- Name: Kiki
- Posted: 12/17/2008
- Phone: 360-461-7930
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Washington
Large male bennettes wallaby for sale or trade. Has produced 3 joeys with late mate. If I can get another female for a good price I would buy another female for him instead of selling him, but I haven't been able to find one. I am asking $800 OBO...