Penguins For Sale

Many people are fans of penguins or think of penguins as their favorite animal, hence it is only natural to want to own a penguin. However, owning a penguin is a little more complex than owning a family dog.
All animals need the basics; food and shelter
Feeding a Penguin
Before even thinking about owning a penguin, you will need a constant supply of fish and possible vitamin supplements. Penguins need to be fed daily and there are not any kennels that are equipped to handle a pet penguin. Around 400 pounds a year in fish per penguin.
Housing a Penguin
Penguins need a habitat with vegetation, enrichment, temperature control and a large deep pool of clean salt water. The pool of water can be fresh water but salt water is preferred Maintenance alone is very expensive.
You will also need to find a vet who is capable of diagnosing and treating penguins. Before any thought of owning a penguin is considered, make sure to locate a vet who can treat and diagnose a penguin.
Penguins for Sale
To own a penguin legally will require a lot of permits and paperwork, plus you would only be able to obtain a penguin that was born in captivity from a facility holding USDA permits. Like other species of birds, penguins do better in number so you wouldn't want to own 1 or 2 because penguins are social animals.
Unfortunately, you will not see penguins for sale on this or any other website.
Types of Penguins
Adelie Penguins African Penguins Chinstrap Penguins Emperor Penguins Erect-crested Penguins Fiordland Penguins Gentoo Penguins Galapagos Penguins Humboldt Penguins | King Penguins Little Penguins Magellanic Penguins Macroni Penguins Rockhopper Penguins Royal Penguins Snares Penguins Yellow-eyed Penguins |
No Penguins currently listed for placement