Wallabies For Sale

Baby Wallaby

There are about 30 different species of wallabies, a pouched member of the kangaroo family that is native to Australia and surrounding islands. Size varies greatly, depending on the species, but the animals can grow as large as six feet. They have very powerful hind legs and tails. The hind legs are used for hopping and jumping at high rates of speed and covering great distances, and the tails are used for balance and support. But when provoked, wallabies can deliver a fierce kick with their hind legs and a strong swipe with their tail.

Male Bennett's Wallaby

  • Name: Noel
  • Posted: 03/27/2025
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: North Carolina

Pulled 03/07. Very calm and one of the easiest joeys to start on the bottle. Will start in our outreach in a couple weeks, so he will be socialized with all ages and environments. Parents onsite, both have fantastic temperaments, and proven carriers...

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Dark Brown Dromedary Camel 9 months (used 4 events)

  • Name: Joey O
  • Posted: 03/27/2025
  • Phone: 480 688-4097
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Arizona

Groot 9 month Handsome Chocolate/ Dark Brown Dromedary Camel . Used for events and past Holiday Church plays, along with Autistic School Visits . Groot is trained to Koosh (Lay-down on command ) ready to work / Earn his keep . Videos also available v...

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Bennett's-Wallaby Joey (Male)

  • Price: $2,000.00
  • Posted: 03/27/2025
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Connecticut
  • Website: www.cjgexotics.com
  • Trusted Seller

We have one male Bennett's-Wallaby Joey that will be ready in just a few weeks. He will be well started on formula before he goes home, ready to make an amazing educational ambassador for any zoological program. Local pickup in CT only, he is $2,000....

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Albino Wallaby joey boy

  • Name: Exotic pets
  • Posted: 03/25/2025
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Minnesota

Pulled him afternoon on 3-11 If you're interested in bottle feeding I can give you about how to do that if needed It's already nibbling on hay lettuces and wallaby pellets Will be able to meet depending on distance You can arrange ground if you k...

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Female albino wallaby

  • Price: $4,500.00
  • Name: Hailey Hough
  • Posted: 03/25/2025
  • Phone: 417-309-1184
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Missouri

Female Albino wallaby. Pulled about a week ago. Eating on a bottle every four hours during the day. Super sweet girl! $4,500. Usda licensed facility

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Male Bennet wallaby Split/White

  • Price: $2,200.00
  • Name: Julie
  • Posted: 03/24/2025
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Illinois

Bennet Wallaby Male Split to White, Last years spring baby . He was Mother Raised, the Mom is brown , Dad is white. He would make a nice breeder.

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Female Bennett's Wallaby

  • Price: $3,200.00
  • Name: Noel
  • Posted: 03/24/2025
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: North Carolina

4 year old female Bennett's wallaby. Bottle raised and easy to work with, but not keen on a lot of hands on interaction or petting. Has had a healthy joey every year and is a great mother. From imported lines. Should have another joey in pouch in 1-2...

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Bennett’s Wallaby

  • Name: Aleta Quint
  • Posted: 03/21/2025
  • Phone: 9702758749
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Colorado

We currently have 3 split albino wallaby babies in pouch. Unsure of sex, but will pull in the next couple of weeks. Price varies based on sex. Please reach out with questions or if interested.

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Albino Bennetts Wallaby Joey

  • Name: Geoffrey Schrock
  • Posted: 03/21/2025
  • Phone: 734-502-2044
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Florida
  • Website: www.wombaroo.com
  • Trusted Seller

This joey is ready to hop in your lap! Please contact for price and details. Do your research beforehand. Must have a Class III license if located in Florida. Cell #: 734-502-2044

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Female baby albino wallaby

  • Name: Steve
  • Posted: 03/16/2025
  • Phone: 731-608-3193
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Tennessee

Super sweet baby albino Bennett wallaby. Wares diapers. Loves to be held and cuddled. Does have a slight curve nose. Doesn’t effect her in anyway.Will only answer to text. Scammers need not reply.

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Bennett's Wallaby Joeys available APRIL 2025

  • Price: $3,000.00
  • Name: Becky Smith
  • Posted: 03/07/2025
  • Phone: (218) 839-4503
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Minnesota
  • Website: http://www.back40gamefarm.com

We have SIX wallaby joeys in the works! These photos are the baby going on a bottle on April 12th and the one going on a bottle May 8th, 2025. We have 4-5 more babies that are not peeking out yet !! Many of these babies are split to white and 2 of t...

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Albino wallaby joey

  • Name: Albino wallaby joey
  • Posted: 02/25/2025
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Minnesota

Albino wallaby joey I'll be pulling it from mom in the next week or so to bottle feed it If you're interested in bottle feeding I can give you about how to do that if needed It's already nibbling on hay lettuces and wallaby pellets Will be able t...

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Bennett’s Wallaby

  • Name: Roo-Feathers
  • Posted: 02/24/2025
  • Phone: 931-217-0802
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Alabama

Baby albino female wallaby looking for a new pasture to hop in, if interested call or text 931-217-0802. I’m located in South Alabama but headed to Cookville TN, the first week of March if yr interested, I could possibly meet.

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Albino Wallaby Male Joey

  • Name: Suizanne Stokoe
  • Posted: 02/23/2025
  • Phone: 585-259-7157
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: New York

This adorable little joey is amazing! Loves to snuggle, give kisses and melt your (or your guests) heart. Eating hay, Mazuri kibble and taking a bottle. Yeti is 4.75 lbs of wallaby energy. USDA facility with parents on premise in Western New York. $3...

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Bennett’s Wallaby

  • Name: Roo-Feathers
  • Posted: 02/23/2025
  • Phone: 931-217-0802
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Alabama

Baby male wallaby looking for a new pasture to hop in, he’s split to albino if interested call or text 931-217-0802. I’m located in South Alabama but headed to Cookville TN, the first week of March if yr interested, I could possibly meet.

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Pet Wallaby

Wallabies are native to Australia, but they have been introduced in New Zealand where they are now widespread. There is also a few small populations of wallabies in the United Kingdom, including about 100 animals on the Isle of Mann, thanks to a zoo escape. Wallabies like to stay in remote areas, hiding in wooded and rugged places and avoiding the open, arid regions that kangaroos prefer. Many of the wallaby species have been named for their preferred habitat: the brush wallaby, the rock wallaby, the shrub wallaby, and so on. In captivity, wallabies can be kept in fenced-in enclosures with grass or clover ground cover. Irrigation systems will help keep the grass green and fresh for foraging.

Wallaby Diet

As herbivores, wallabies mainly eat plant material such as leaves and grasses. An enclosure that has a large, pasture-like grassy area will provide that animals with the majority of their dietary needs, with some supplements of fresh, leafy vegetables and plants.

Wallaby Enrichment

Wallabies are most active during the day and are largely solitary animals. A few species, however, live in groups of up to 50 animals called mobs. In captivity, food is often an ideal enrichment tool. Apples hung on ropes, a hollowed out pumpkin, or frozen fruit popsicles will all give captive wallabies hours of problem-solving activity, along with addition nutrients.

Wallaby Breeding

Wallaby breeding season is in January and February, and after a 28-day gestational period, a single baby, or joey, is born. Like kangaroos and other marsupials, wallaby joeys are born under-developed and stay in their mother’s pouch for at least two months while they continue developing. They are not fully developed until they are seven months old. Wallabies have a life span of about nine years.


  • Sslam on December 11
    Love exotics, have had many and have cared and loved them as family member. My dog is more destructive than any exotic I’ve had. I’ve had fox, lynx, serval, raccoons prairie dogs, hedge hogs etc etc. they are extra work and take more time to care for than your house cat, but if you are ready for that, go for it. I don’t believe in eating Bambi or kangaroo or any other animal but many people that enjoy killing animals will comment how cruel it is to keep an animal as a pet. I don’t understand their thought process.
  • Stanley on February 26
    ive wanted a wallabe for quite sometime now, done lots of research and homestly the people saying you shouldnt buy them as house pets are just upset that they cant do it them selfs. ill be purchasing 2 in the spring (m&f) ever since i herd the story of how my friend encountered a wallabe at a friends house ive wanted one.
  • Jann on May 6
    I see your point but your pencil seriously needs to be sharpened. You have no idea about me or anyone else you are disparaging from having a loving relationship with an animal. Are you this upset about divorces and children being set out to the wind to face this cruel world on their own? Why not get on that bandwagon? Why degrade people who love animals and enjoy their company. I prefer wallaby company 99% of the time better than with the human race. In the USA we can’t own or raise animals native to our country as well but I’m not going to criticize you for owning them. Even if your purpose is to raise them then kill and eat them. People in Australia eat wallabies but we aren’t allowed to raise them for meat or their fur in USA. That’s ok. But don’t get snippy because we eat Bambi because you folks down under eat wallaby stew.
  • Jessica Yauch on April 2
    As i believe what she is saying is very true i am also a wildlife employee Columbus Ohio. And people here buy all kinds of wild life and love them as babies but when they are to big or become what they are wild animals they will get hurt people dont want them than they abuse them neglect them hurt them and lock them up because they can't tame them anymore I see it every minute of the day when you sell them precious babies you don't know what life you're putting them into and what's going to happen to them when they're too big to fit in somebody's home or when they become their natural nature wild animals and get aggressive think about what happens then to that animal that defenseless animal that didn't have a choice to be put in a home he doesn't want it anymore because it's big you shouldn't be selling wild animals it's not right to the animal at all.. As much as they are more amazing she is right its not ok to sell them let them be in the wild there home where they belong not in a home like a domesticated cat or dog. Thank you god blesa
  • Jose on November 26
    Kai, plz man shut up
  • Anonymous on November 24
    You’re comment only makes me want one more lol
  • GBGav on November 16
    Kai. You need to calm down. Keeping them in a zoo doesn't really help your side of the story. It's fine to have them as pets. If they are just born its gonna be normal for em. Chill its not no lion or something lol
  • Michael on November 14
    In reply to Kai: I think you are being a bit dramatic. Most animals kept as pets aren’t native to where they are. The cats in your homes in Australia aren’t native to there. They were most often bred in captivity to be sold, or given away, as pets. Which is what has happened with the wallaby sold here. Their breeders are professionals that love and care for their animals. The cost of buying here represents that. Not everyone can afford to buy a pet at 2-3,000 bucks. In fact very few can. And it should be noted that from what I’ve seen buyers go through extensive background checks and quality of life checks for the animal prior to sale. So what I read in your comment is that you want all of the wallaby that have been kept, born/bred in the states, and have never lived in the wild to be sent to Australia. Half of them not surviving the trip. The other half put in wildlife reserves to live in the wild (again not THEIR natural habitat since they were born and raised as pets) overrunning the population and capacities of the reserves and their ability to care for the animals. Overpopulating Australia with domesticated wallaby. Consuming natural resources that were already in shorter supply due to the fires earlier this year. I understand your concern. But these animals, generally, are well kept, cared for, loved, and live incredible lives. So you need to tone it down quite a bit. Your chill pill must have been skipped the day you posted this.
  • Kai on September 12
    What you are doing is disgusting! I am a member of WIRES (wildlife rescue) in Australia. It is illegal in Australia to keep native animals as pets, AND FOR GOOD REASON! It takes extensive training to become a wildlife carer and is overseen and monitored and and careful records are kept by WIRES and National Parks and Wildlife at all times. Australian native animals belong in the Australian Bush, not in the hands of people that do not know what they are doing in a foreign country! What you are doing is cruel and thoughtless! You are not an animal lover, you are exploiting animals for profit! Grow a conscious and think about what you are doing! I implore true animal lovers to not support this industry and instead voice your objection.