Weasel For Sale
Weasels are mammals that belong to the same family as ferrets, minks, and polecats. They have long, slender bodies and short legs. Although they are small, they are active, aggressive predators. Their slender bodies are ideal for seeking out prey in burrows and holes. Weasels are popular as pets because they are relatively easy to care for, cute, and entertaining. They are, however, illegal to own in many areas.

Baby Libyan Striped Weasels
- Price: $3,500.00
- Name: Tyler Cleckley
- Posted: 01/09/2025
- Phone: 8326227824
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Texas
Baby Libyan Striped Weasels Males and females/unrelated pairs available Ready to go now. One litter is weaned one litter is on the bottle. Text will get the fastest response!
Species of weasels are found worldwide except for Australia and Antarctica. For weasels kept as pets, cages specifically designed for ferrets are available. Weasels need a dark, private place in which to sleep because they sleep for up to twenty hours per day. They are natural diggers. Use caution when letting a pet weasel have full access to your home – they can be very destructive.
What do Weasels Eat?
Weasels are the smallest carnivorous mammals in the world. They eat birds, eggs, reptiles, and other small mammals. Weasels are fearless and often attack animals much larger than they are. As pets, owners should attempt to feed the animals a diet that closely resembles their natural diet, even though it may be tempting to feed it commercially made weasel or ferret pellets. This means giving the animals live or frozen mice or grubs.
Enrichment for Weasels
Although weasels spend a great deal of time sleeping, they do like to play. Balls, bells, and squeaky toys will entertain your weasel. The animals also have fun with simple items such as cardboard boxes or tubes, hammocks, and scratching posts.
Breeding Weasels
Weasels mate in the spring, and after a five week long gestation period, the female gives birth to a litter of up to eight babies, called kittens. The kittens are typically born in April and May. The kittens are weaned by about five months and can hunt for themselves at eight months, but stay with their mother longer. In fact, the mother often kicks out her children when they are around twelve weeks old, forcing them to find their own territories.